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The Big Boss

HELLO WORLD my name is ugly betty RaRa. I'm from tuttt*. my age is under 18. i like to eat spaghetti ! and proud to be myself. ( replace with your own profile)

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Flying back

going back to hostel :(

hoho :) heyyyy :D assalamualaikummmm :D hihi :) jawab jgn taa jawab :D ouh shitttt ! kejap jeaa mase berlalu niehhhhh :D hoho :) ouhhh ! ngokkk ,aku takk nak alek ostelll :( errrr :( tak best tauuuu ! busan tahap gaban  :( bilo daa alek ostel ,soo wajib laa g schhh ! makkkk oiyyyy ! tak goma den dooo :( takk puas g laaa hadap tweet ,fb ,bloggg niehhh :D hihihi :D ngeee~~~  apo laa den niehhh na spm daaa ! WAKE UPP ! 

ouh yeahhh :) hihi :D aku sodih laaa ngn ade budak niehh ! perangai die dulu lain ,skang lain ! polik dennn :( sangad2 berubah weaaa ! sampai orang lain pon perasan :( aku bukan apoo ,just risaw weaa ..kau tuu na spm ! aku sayang kauu ! bukan aku na ctea aib kau kat sini but aku just luah kan jeaaa :) lau kau terasa ,pandailah2 hidupp :D hihi :D 

then ,poning niehhhh ! homework makin lamo makin bnyakk ! spm daa dekatt ! hihi :D waa bnyak cuakkk ! hihi :D then ,aku still main2 ! ouh noooo :D wekappppp ! wekappp ! tak lame lagi na examm :( cepad eahh mase berlaluuuuu :( huuuuu :D 

ouhhh :D now ,aku dok ostel makin lamo makin gemokk tahu ? ramai orang cakap cam tuuuu :( sodehhh ! asik makan joo kojo den tuu laa gomokk ! hihi :) but aku try na diett ;0 hihi :D tuu pon lau rajenn :D ouh yeahhh :D 

k aaa chaioooooo :D jage diri tauu bloggers :D assalamualaikummmm :D #tak best pon cito den tuuuu ! sapo lak cakap besttt ? haha :D btw ,tyouu reading :D baiii :)